What happens after MLK Day…

Today marks another year’s celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s amazing works.  For the first time, in several years, I am unable to participate and have to work.  While I am certain, Dr. King would encourage me to do what I need to to make certain I am self-sufficient, ii am still torn because I want to be part of the celebration-SO BAD!

What I am struggling with, though, is how do I make sure I continue to apply Dr. King’s principle’s after today?

I MUST consciously and purposely keep his ideals in the forefront – DAILY!  It’s quite similar to following and doing what Jesus wants us to do-DAILY … LOVE!

Thank you, Lord, for the answer to my question above….. Show people LOVE – P E R I O D!  Sometimes, that’s the only LOVE they’ll see.

Let your light so shine that men will see your good works and glorify OUR father who’s in heaven!